up to what number of players are allowed inside a match in apex


  • ane New Content
  • two Quality of Life
  • 3 Private Matches
  • four Legends
  • 5 Weapons
  • 6 Arenas
    • 6.i Weapons
    • six.ii Abilities
  • vii Bug Fixes
  • 8 Undocumented changes
  • 9 Programmer Notes
  • 10 References

New Content [ ]

  • New Legend: Seer
  • New weapon: the Binge
  • Added Ranked Arenas
  • Several changes to World's Edge
  • New Hop-Upwards: Boosted Loader.svg Boosted Loader

Quality of Life [ ]

  • Added a new badge: Win Streak.
  • Added a "Hold On" response to enemy pings.
  • Added singled-out sound effects to the Gilt Backpack'south revive.[annotation 1]
  • Updated the Heirloom store to give players a ameliorate view of all the items related to that item.
  • Updated Open Pack Button to bear witness how many packs of each blazon are available to open. Highlighting the button shows a complete breakdown.

Private Matches [ ]

  • Added "Admin Toggle" pick for aim aid manner.
  • Added calorie-free Red Zone Filter for observers in freecam.
  • Added custom ending variants to map/mode option.
  • Added more Arenas maps to map/mode selection.
  • Fixed observer script error encountered in Arenas.
  • Fixed multiple script errors for observers and players for battle royale.
  • Fixed more real-time API event reporting.

[ ]

Fuse[note 2]
Horizon[note 3]
  • Death Totem.svg Death Totem:
    • Added a visual and audio cue when Death Totem protection is about to end which can be seen/heard by other players.
    • Added a cursory tedious later on being recalled.
Caustic[annotation iv]

Weapons [ ]

Care Bundle
  • Removed the Prowler Burst PDW from care packages; replaced with the M600 Spitfire and Alternator SMG (with Disruptor Rounds.svg Disruptor Rounds).
Fully kitted weapons for Season 10.svg Flavor x
  • Peacekeeper
  • Rampage
  • RE-45 Auto
  • VK-47 Flatline
  • Accuse Rifle
Extended Mags[annotation v]
  • Reload speed increase associated with magazines has been moved to the equivalent stock rarity tier.
Standard Stock.svg Standard and Sniper Stock.svg Sniper Stocksouth[annotation half dozen]
  • All stocks now offering increased reload speed (instead of magazines).
  • Marksman Weapons (30-30 Repeater, G7 Scout, Triple Take) now take Sniper Stocks instead of Standard Stocks.
  • Sniper Stocks on Marksman weapons volition offer increased stability and sway reduction with slightly reduced treatment bonuses (from standard stocks).
L-STAR EMG[notation seven]
LMGs[note eight]
  • Reduced the headshot multiplier for all LMGs from 2.0x to 1.75x.
  • Increased the limb shot multiplier for all LMGs from 0.75x to 0.85x.
Pistols[note 9]
  • Reduced handling time for all pistols by most 10% (Raise, Holster, Zoom In/Out time).
Prowler Outburst PDW[note 10]
  • Removed from care packages and is at present ground loot (outburst simply).
  • Comes with a mag size of 20 / 25 / thirty / 35.
  • Increased burst delay from 0.2 to 0.24 seconds.
M600 Spitfire[note xi]
  • Removed from normal boodle pool and is now a care packet weapon.
  • Increased mag size from 35 to 55.
  • Increased harm from 18 to 19.
  • Reduced hip fire spread back to Season 8.svg Season 8 pre-nerf values.
Alternator SMG[note 12]
thirty-thirty Repeater[note xiii]
  • Reload speed from stocks is increased.
EVA-viii Auto[note fourteen]
  • Significantly reduced Shotgun Bolt.svg Shotgun Bolt fire-rate scaling for each rarity tier (base of operations fire-rate remains unchanged).

Arenas [ ]

Weapons [ ]

Intendance package changes apply to arenas: the Prowler and Rampage replace the Alternator and Spitfire in the Arenas store.

Prowler Flare-up PDW
Rampage LMG
30-30 Repeater
Bocek Compound Bow
Charge Rifle
EVA-8 Auto
Mastiff Shotgun

Abilities [ ]

  • Gravity Lift.svg Gravity Lift: Starting charges reduced from two to 1.
  • Psyche Out.svg Psyche Out: Starting charges reduced from three to 2.

Problems Fixes [ ]

  • Stock-still an event where Bloodhound'south tactical failed to highlight the enemy for the Bloodhound actor while they used an emote.
  • Enemy Legends now remain visible when performing Bloodhound's "Tracking" Standing Emote at a higher summit.
  • Trident and Dropship audio should no longer be significantly dampened when Bloodhound is using their Ultimate.
  • Corrected an sound effect with Gibraltars Dome Shield failing to make audio.
  • The "Gentle Giant" skin will no longer obstruct the role player'due south view when aiming down sight with the 1x Holo Sight attached.
  • Fixed some instances where the Dome Shield would disappear on placement and non become refunded to the player.
  • Fixed cases where Lifeline'southward VO yet says "I've got you. Shields upwardly" even when she no longer has a shield.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from using Lifeline's Care Package in Preparation Mode.
  • Pathfinder's Grapple no longer stays connected when he's killed while under Revenant's Decease Protection.
  • Updated Pathfinder "Copper Core" legs so they at present lucifer in kickoff-person view.
  • Stock-still an issue where Pathfinder's Grapple cooldown sound cue replayed rapidly after deploying tactical in gameplay.
  • Wraith should no longer be crushed by endmost doors while her tactical is active.
  • Wraith can no longer use her ultimate while attached to Valkyrie's ultimate.
  • Fixed a rare bug that immune downed players to spring/bunny-hop after entering a Wraith Portal placed by a crouching Wraith.
  • Fixed an issue causing Bangalore's Smoke Launcher to disappear when moving abroad from other players with certain Legendary skins equipped.
  • Solved a issues preventing Caustic barrels from making planting audio when they country in water.
  • Caustic barrels tossed simply earlier death should no longer disappear.
  • Fixed a visual bug where the Caustic Heirloom pose has a model that disappears subsequently the pose finishes playing during the previewer.
  • Fixed a issues that immune Caustic Barrels to be pushed into players, crushing them.
  • Fuse's Ultimate "Motherlode" is no longer destroyed if it interacts with Caustic gas.
  • Wattson'due south ult will no longer shoot down friendly Caustic barrels and ults.
  • Players should no longer get a server error when attempting to purchase Caustic'south heirloom using Heirloom Shards from the "Heirloom" tab.
  • Addressed an issue where Mirage's invisible revive wouldn't fully cloak teammates when certain skins were existence worn.
  • Stock-still an exploit that allowed players to wedge an Octane jump pad betwixt a supply bin to brand the Trident faster.
  • Fixed a visual bug where Octane's goggles moved independently later using his tactical.
  • The sound of players landing after using Octane's Launch Pad.svg Launch Pad is louder.
  • Removed the beam of light that shoots into the heaven every time Wattson places down her fence.
  • Stock-still the choppy preview video for Crypto'south "Drone Scan" in the "Finishers" tab.
  • Arenas: Stock-still a bug where Crypto'southward Drone could exist deployed and recalled space times when the user had but ane charge bachelor.
  • Switch Only:
    • Fixed a visual issues where Crypto's position indicator while in his drone flickered well-nigh the pinnacle and left edge of the screen.
    • The UI for Crypto's tactical charges should no longer overlap with the recharging UI when his drone is destroyed in Arenas.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Drone from being able to discover enemies using Trident.
  • Fixed a visual bug when the Heirloom appears to exist floating in third-person when looking up and downwardly within the Gravity Lift.
  • Placing a Death Totem as well close to the edge of the map should no longer teleport players off the map when returning to the totem.
  • Emote ready: Added the missing Silence Orb to Revenant's "Suffering Silence" emote.
  • Fixed some exploitable hiding spots reachable in Rift using Revenant.
  • Stock-still some cases when Revenant didn't have horizontal movement animations when holding the heirloom.
  • Many fixes across all maps address issues with exploits, hiding spots, and inconsistencies with using Loba'due south tactical.
  • UI set: The ammo count in Loba'southward Black Market should at present display correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Rampart's turret to be placed on Geyser.
  • Fixed a problems that acquired players to run faster later stowing a fully charged, chargeable weapon—this bug besides caused the charged indicator in the UI to get away.
  • Fixed an issue where Rampart'south wall would become stuck in an animation loop when striking by Caustic gas.
  • Addressed some cases where Blackhole/NEWT wouldn't announced when using Horizon's Ultimate.
  • Stock-still an result where a histrion's weapon appears horizontally on the back while using a survey beacon.
  • Fixed some cases causing Horizon Ultimate ability to exist canceled out when placed about a supply bin if the bin was opened during gameplay.
  • Fixed an event causing the Trident's momentum and friction constraints to exist modified past interacting with Horizon'due south abilities.
  • Addressed some cases where Horizon'southward Ultimate ability active state persists after beingness destroyed.
  • Addressed some cases where players could lose some functionalities after dropping with Fuse.
  • Fixed a visual problems that caused part of Fuse's torso to pop up on the screen when toggling throw power after swapping grenades.
  • Made a small change to address feedback that Valkyrie's UI feels noisy when she first drops from the dropship.
  • Stock-still an edge example causing passengers on Valkyrie's ult with bad ping to be reverted back to the basis in an unusual position.
  • The Ultimate/Skydive Special UI and targeting volition now update with colorblind settings
  • Teammates should no longer be able to float around while being tethered to Valkyrie's Ult by breaking the explosive concord.
  • Fixed an upshot where Valkyrie could be pushed into unintended areas by the Trident when using her ultimate ability.
  • Addressed some cases where Missile Swarm wouldn't cause damage when hitting a floating enemy Valkyrie in her lower one-half.
  • Stock-still some cases of the photographic camera clipping through geo and environment while preparing to launch Valkyrie's Ultimate.
  • Ready for cases where Missile Swarm fails to rails the moving train.
  • The Kraber target should no longer announced on screen when ADS after using Valkyrie'south passive.
  • Fixed an issue where players could nevertheless activate Valkyrie's Tactical and Ultimate while nether structures without the vertical clearance requirement.
  • Stock-still some cases where teammates could clip through walls and announced on the same side of Valkyrie while tethered to her Ultimate.
  • Fixed an exploitable spot on Canyonlands where Valkyrie could reach an inaccessible surface area using her passive.

Undocumented changes [ ]

Developer Notes [ ]

  1. VFX were added in the Chaos Theory Icon.svg Chaos Theory update. This gives additional feedback when players are close to but not in line-of-sight of revives.
  2. Fuse continues to struggle. Nosotros identified two opportunities to help him that weren't just "give him more damage." Nosotros believe Apex is a gun game offset and foremost and therefore want to brand sure nosotros don't put too much damage into graphic symbol abilities.
    The offset opportunity we identified was his tactical. While meant equally a persistent area denial tool, information technology currently does not last long plenty to seriously inconvenience an enemy. We doubled the duration and then you lot can now place 1 at a door and be reasonably certain no i's coming through that door for a piffling while. While we doubled the duration, the damage per second remains the same. Please don't stand in the burn. Secondly, his ultimate often didn't give his squad an advantage; sure, you may catch enemies within it, but the flames fabricated information technology impossible for y'all to pace inside, and you couldn't see the enemies you trapped either because the flames were in the way. We explored a few ways to deal with this but ended upward going for the almost straight-forward respond: you lot become enemy outlines every bit long every bit they stay within the ring of fire.
  3. Dev note: There's no incertitude the nerfs Horizon received with Legacy were necessary, but given the benefit of fourth dimension and hindsight nosotros decided we probably hit the speed of her tactical also hard. Instead of completely reverting that part of the nerf, we plant a happy medium between how fast her gravity lift operated at release and how slow it was afterwards the nerf. This one's hard to communicate with numbers, so only give her a try and tell usa what you remember.
  4. Dev notation: Caustic is a dangerous character to buff. Push him a fiddling too far, and he chop-chop takes over the meta. Constantly fighting through gas is no fun, then we definitely desire to avoid him condign dominant once more. That said, we're now convinced the nerf that dropped his gas damage to a flat 5 impairment went too far. When you can sit in gas and take a syringe or two and be fine, gas is not a scary plenty deterrent. So nosotros switched back to a scaling model. This fourth dimension we decided to let the impairment scale a fiddling more than slowly. Instead of going up past ane every tick, nosotros're increasing it by one every other tick. Harm is uncapped at the height here, merely really that's very theoretical. Enemies will generally be dead effectually the time the gas reaches 11 damage per tick (unless yous've been healing). The desired effect hither is to make enemies experience a great urgency to leave the gas as shortly as possible. At the aforementioned time, we wanted to exist mindful specifically of Caustic'southward touch in late game circles at the highest level. Even with Ring 6 now slowly closing over 100 seconds, we were worried near the effect that a single Caustic ult could have in the belatedly game. Nosotros reduced its elapsing by v seconds. The ult represents Caustic'southward highest moment of ability; his enemies take no way of countering information technology. 15 seconds is still a meaningful amount of time (and with the harm changes, 15s is long enough to kill someone) but it should hopefully make fighting a Caustic in the end game slightly less frustrating.
  5. Magazines are the well-nigh potent source of lootable power for most weapons and that largely comes in the course of ammo capacity. In add-on to chapters, they were also offer increased reload speed. Nosotros've moved the reload speed buff to stocks to assist increase the value of stocks and spread out our meaningful modifiers beyond our attachments.
  6. Sniper stocks are an oft lonely attachment left sitting on the floor waiting for a crackshot legend to come forth and give them some dearest. Instead of reducing the spawn rates to endeavour and clean up the loot pool we're putting them on Marksman Rifles to make them more desirable.
  7. The L-STAR has undergone a few changes in Emergence. We've attempted to better the looting experience and extend the 50-STAR'south power into the later phases of the game. In addition to these attachment additions the L-STAR is also seeing some VFX changes for gainsay readability.
  8. LMG spray-and-pray was feeling a little too oppressive when random headshots chunked with a two.0 impairment modifier. We're shaving off some of that headshot firepower just calculation a piddling back in by bringing up their limb damage. Unloading massive LMG mags to suppress your enemies should still exist a valid tactic, we're just reigning in the peaks and valleys to go far feel a bit more consequent.
  9. With the removal of the Quickdraw Holster and reload speed moving from mags to stocks Pistols took a bit of a hit. Nosotros're increasing their base handling just will keep an eye on their performance as we get into Emergence.
  10. The Prowler returns to the floor without its trusty side-kick the Select Fire hop up. But don't sleep on it, it's yet a beast.
  11. We've all woken upwards with a cold sweat in the middle of the night from a nightmare where Rampart with two golden mag spittys chases you lot on the Globe's Edge train tracks laughing maniacally equally she shoots for eternity, right? … right? Well for those of u.s. that take, nosotros'll be able to slumber soundly for a while. The Spitfire takes its rightful place as a Supply Drop weapon this season. We've hit it a few times in recent patches and nosotros still want it to be a desirable Supply Drop weapon so we're walking back those nerfs while making it much harder to admission.
  12. The Alternator joins the Spitfire in the Supply Drib with its one-time friend the Disruptor Rounds. The shield damage has come downward since we final saw Disruptors in Season 2, simply information technology'due south still a shield shredding monster. Pack an extra bat.
  13. The xxx-30 tin slap, simply when information technology's non slapping it's probably reloading. We're buffing the 30-30'due south bonus to reload speed from stocks to help alleviate one of the sharper pain points when running this heavy rifle.
  14. The EVA-viii's speed makes it a forgiving and formidable shotgun to run. It's pulled ahead of the pack and has been seen equally the articulate choice for many leaving the Peacekeeper, Mastiff, and Mozambique in the dust. This modify should aid even the playing field between the shotguns.

References [ ]

  1. Dave Osei on Twitter


Source: https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/August_03,_2021_Patch

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